Hello to you,

I hope the month of May is turning out as you expected or even pleasantly more than you expected.

Let me share this with you.

As a child I learnt this song.

Jesus First

Others Next

Yourself Last.

Do you agree?

What is the point of putting the interests of others before yours?

Does it make any difference?

About a week ago, I finished reading a book that really got me thinking. In the book, the writer talked about how you gain more influence by putting the interests of others first as part of the five laws of stratospheric success.

Here’s one sentence that struck me- ‘When you base your relationships in business, or anywhere else in your life on who owes you what, that’s not being a friend. That’s being a creditor”.

However, In a world of many activities and certain burnout, many people are concentrating on themselves. Self- Care, Self- Development, Self or personal branding, self-preservation and the list continues. But is it really worth it to consider someone’s needs or interests above yours? Who really wants to get hurt by being taken for granted or taken advantage of?

So if you agree to putting the needs of others first, how do you even teach this to children?

I think it is best to start at home. Teaching them to start with putting the interests of siblings before theirs on certain matters.

Teaching them this gets them further away from self-centred, selfish zone. You see a self-centred person has not made room in their heart for others. No matter how much they try, thoughts about themselves or thoughts about what they are losing will always regulate their heart. A self-centred person is not used to giving. They are used to getting and taking. They become infamous for being only about themselves. But there is a bright light on the giver that attracts people which causes the giver’s circle of influence to grow. They live from the inside out.

Teaching children to be compassionate is a big plus for them as children of faith but modelling it will ensure that they are able to live it out as they grow older. Show them that giving does not deplete a person because giving is different from being taken advantage of. When you give, you are still in control of your time and yourself. When you give, you choose to. Teach them that when you give you choose to believe that you too will not go without.

The world still has givers regardless of the messages of self that seem to inundate screens and pages. Show your child that he or she can be one of them.


Last week, the doors of Archers Lounge (the closely knit community of ArrowsNarchers) opened its doors to parents who have decided to embark on an intentional journey of parenting. I know you already do this with how you spend money or how you build your career or business. How about learning and applying it to how your raise your children? The results go far beyond a short term investment or even a long term investment. The results of this outlive you and get passed on the generations after you and your children. It is going to be amazingly transformational journey of no competition, a no status quo or average zone and a collaborative one. Only Intentional parents and those willing to hop on board are allowed. I thought I’d share this with you because I consider you one. You are doing a fab job.

So if you’re keen and rearing to go, hit this button to know more and join thereafter.

Let’s do this together.

Have a wonderful evening.

Much Love,



I am still enjoying the success of the arrowsnarchers conference and I like to share so see pictures from the event below.

The book I read is called the GO GIVER by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

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Joy is a Parenting Leadership Coach. She is a mother to three children.  She runs arrowsnarchers.com, a community where she helps Christian parents develop key leadership capabilities as well as clear paths to all-around excellence for their children through intentional, transformational Parenting.

She enjoys teaching and mentoring, writing, singing, research, and travelling.

Joy is also an author. Copies of her book " DISCOVER TO GROW"can found here

Connect with her on Facebook.

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