
Does This Sound Like You?

  • You love your children, and you are doing all you can.
  • You want your children to build and grow individual relationships with God.
  • You don’t know if you are laying the right foundations  for your kids destiny.
  • You aren’t sure how to build a deep relationship with your child that will last their whole lives..
  • You want to create a whole and healthy playbook for your children.
  • You want to be intentional about the decisions you make in your home.
  • You want an exemplary leadership culture in your home but don’t know how to get it.
  • You don’t want to raise your kids in a negative atmosphere
  • You want your kids to love each other.
  • You want to raise your kids from a place of authenticity and wholeness.
  • You want to build the right family relationships.
  • You want to learn how to be the parent each of your children need.
  • You want to strengthen the bond between your kids and your self.
  • You want to support the development of your kids gifts and talent and help the flourish.
  • You want a clear, and distinct, godly path for your family amidst all the confusion in the world
  • You want to be on the same page with your spouse to raise godly children.

Let me ask you, do you know what you need to raise your child for their unique destiny? If that made you stop and think KEEP READING…

Would you like to feel confident in your parenting?

Would you like some support from other like minded parents?

Do you think coaching from an expert would help you?

Do you want to know what is proven to work in this journey of raising Godly children?


The ARCHERS LOUNGE has been created just for you. It is the membership community of Arrows N Archers. ArrowsNarchers is a leadership academy and community for Christian parents. In the community, together, parents deliberately developing themselves to be  the right leaders that intentionally succeed at raising outstanding children. It is a close-knit group of parents like you who long to take their parenting journey to the next level and will leave nothing to chance in this great endeavour. It is for those of you who have decided to be deliberate about the way you raise and lead your children for destiny. 

Archers Lounge

The Archers’ Lounge provides vital and valuable tools, along with the accountability you need to start DOING what you need  NOW, and start getting the desired results.

There is so much for you to do within the Lounge. There is transformational content waiting for you the very minute you join. Such as:  live teaching, videos and audio teachings, PDF downloads, constant communication within our private space, monthly masterclasses, case studies, bible studies, parent café- where we discuss and learn from lived experiences. and up-to-the moment news regarding all our upcoming programmes. We will even hang out together quite often.

Nobody comes with a manual for these things but much wisdom, support and psychological safety comes from people united for a purpose. Let us share in the wonder of community, as we learn to bear one another’s burdens, and laugh hard at the ability of our children to surprise us in all sorts of ways. We will marvel together as they develop into fantastic, Godly individuals, and we will celebrate their successes together as we see them begin to flourish more and more each day.

The process will change us.

Trust me!

Hurry! Join us now 


Community and Togetherness

A community of like-minded and deliberate parents in a members only group.

Common Ground and Safe Haven

An understanding that you are not alone with parenting challenges neither are you being judged by anyone.

Support From Me

You have my full attention. I am passionate about your success.


New and supportive friendships with other parents.

Lifetime Access for Members

Access all the modules, tools, kit and portfolio found within the Archers’ Lounge.

Wisdom Sharing

We create a rich bank of wisdom from the experiences and successes of other parents like you.


Tools & Tangibles

Useful tools that you can work with straight away such as Bible studies, and teaching modules.

Monthly Masterclasses

Joy or a carefully handpicked expert in raising children will lead an impactful masterclass each month.

First Membership and Discounts

Be among the first and founding members of the Archers’ Lounge and receive 15% of all arrowsNarchers external events.

Goal Setting and Tracking

You will have SMART goals to help you on your way towards deliberate parenting. Goals that are directed towards you and your child’s growth.

Praying Buddies

See the awesome power of prayer for your children. Once per month, members will come together as parents to pray together and call on the power of God to help us in this journey of raising these precious children.

Joy (Ayo) Akinwonmi

My name is Joy (Ayo) Akinwonmi and I am the founder of Arrows N Archers. I help Christian parents gain clarity for parenting, and strategically walk with them down clear paths for transformational parenting. The proof is in the lives of countless children who are being raised to be all God intended them to be. Your child can be a part of that company too!

Being a parent myself, I know the challenges that you face and the learning curves you constantly go through. In the Archer’s Lounge, I want to share with you the lessons God has taught me on my own journey. I have gone from feeling depressed amidst the peaks and troughs of parenting, being overwhelmed and sometimes being unsure about how to raise my children, to being confident, enthusiastic and determined to raise OUTSTANDING, well-rounded children.

My leadership style and my ability to be authentic is crucial to my parenting. I am conscious about this and I am daily working at alignment in these areas for the successful outcomes I desire.

I also reflect on the efforts and determination of my own parents. I’ve reflected on certain areas of my own upbringing that have shaped who I am today. We are truly products of what we observe. I am even more keen on raising children who are destiny aligned world changers and amazing ambassadors for the kingdom of God, serving  people. Children who will grow up as , relevant members of society, bringing enduring solutions into their environments, making the world better because of the light, and fire they carry.

Let’s link hands as parents to see this come to fruition in our homes.


I want the parents who join the Archers Lounge to be able to look back periodically on their journey and see the powerful results they have achieved as a result of their decisive and intentional parenting. I want them to feel the rewards of their decision to take their role as seriously as they possibly can.

Parenting must never be left to chance and circumstance. You see, here within the Lounge, we create the journey we desire, through our alignment to the HOLY SPIRIT, PRAYER AND THE WORD OF GOD as well as through a great community.



Your Investment to join the Lounge is $22.99, N35,000 per month.

There will be no problems making payment in your preferred currency.

There are limited spaces currently available, and once this group is closed, there will be no other admissions until next year so that we can buckle down to the nitty gritty, leaving no one playing catch up.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much “Helen Keller